Thursday, April 24, 2008

Monster Induced Insomnia

I finally saw Cloverfield last night. I screamed out loud twice and was wide awake until about 3 am, so mission accomplished.

It was so fun being scared, I didn't mind how cheesy the character names were. "Miranda Diamond," as the funny, sarcastic not quite as hot but still pretty smokin' girl. Ha ha! Did the screenwriter pull his character names from softcore porn? I couldn't help thinking the whole time I was watching it that I was in my old West Hollywood acting class. But it was fun in a cheesy, this is a pretty badly written movie sorta way.

Was it just me or were the alternate endings totally lame? Maybe I missed something. If I did, please email me immediately so that I can watch them again before I mail back the dvd.

Speaking of DVD's here are some other new releases you may want to check out.

The Savages- Phillip Seymour Hoffman AND Laura Linney. C'mon, it's a mathmatical impossiblity that you can go wrong with that combo. I gotta go put that in my queue, I'll be right back. In the meantime watch this.

Charlie Wilson's War- Um, I wanted to like it. Mike Nichols. Maybe you'll like it. I'm not saying DON'T see it. I'm just saying.....oh sorry, I think I dozed off for a second.

One Missed Call- Too scary for me.

None of them are coming to my house today because I have the entire first season of The Wire coming. People say I should watch it. And I listen to people when they tell me what to do.

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