Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Welcome to the Lipstick Jungle

Are your eyes open? Well odds are, you are probably looking at an advertisement for Lipstick Jungle.

I haven’t been able to check this new NBC offering yet as I have been subletting a place sans tv (despair!), ironically IN the Lipstick Jungle. I’ve been opening conversations with strangers with, “So, this is the Lipstick Jungle eh?” So far this conversation opener has a 100% success rate of annoying the other person and cracking me up.

Lipstick Jungle sounds like the name of a fake show created by fake tv executives on a another fake show I just created called “Development Diva’s.” DD's is a one hour dramedy that explores the lives of three high powered yet vulnerable tv executives who try to balance their high pressure careers, their hot boyfriends/lovers/husbands/frozen eggs and their giant Manhattan apartments full of shoes.

The Cashmere Mafia doesn’t have a chance against the DD’s!

I think I shall go to the NBC website and watch an episode of the LJ, see what my Diva's are up against.

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