Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Melissa and Doug UPDATE

Hey pals,

Remember when I posted my email that went unanswered from Melissa and Doug? You probably do because it was two hours ago.

I tweeted it as well and this happened:

I sent them my number and they called me within the hour. Diane, the Chief Creative Director of Marketing sincerely apologized that they never responded to my email. She went on to say that they take issues of gender equality in the toys they develop VERY SERIOUSLY. And, drumroll please-just this morning she was looking over the artwork for the re-design of the very product I was complaining about. She said my timing was "pretty uncanny."

In my fantasy where I am a Feminist Superhero- I just got them to design a new doll.

Either way, I'm super impressed with Melissa and Doug right now. Also feeling pretty good about myself, maybe I need to take on the NRA next?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is fantastic!!!! You are my superhero. I hate that we even need to fight this fight and call out companies STILL! But still we must and you DID and got something done! Bravo! My little girl and I thank you!