I have 3- year- old twins. I bought your magnetic dress up figures Joey and Julia. I bought Julia as she was the least princess-ey one I could find (I'm not anti-princess, but also don't want to shove it down my daughters throat and I liked that it was sports themed)...
Here is the convo today as I played with the dolls with my kids:
Sophie- No mommy, she can't wear the police outfit, that's for boys.
Me: Girls can be police officers too.
Sophie- No, only boys can.
And so on with all the outfits. Granted she's three and pretty inflexible about A MILLION OTHER THINGS.
But I'm bummed that your boy dress up doll gets to dress up in actual professions while all the girls I looked up on your site are either princesses, fairies, or just trying on different cute outfits.
Is there a doll in your collection that I don't know about that more closely resembles Joey?
I see you guys as a pretty forward thinking, progressive company, but it feels like this is another case where the lesson is, the boys have the fun/adventure/danger (pirate! superhero! and actual jobs- police, firefighter) while girls try on clothes and get saved by the boys.
Maybe you could consider a dress up doll who can be a superhero and a doctor and a zoo keeper and etc, etc....
I think my daughter would love it.
Thanks for your time,
Kristine Kimmel
1 comment:
Bravo!! I'd certainly buy something like that for my daughter. But, Jesus, are we still having to fight this fight? Can companies get it already?!!? Great letter and blog!!
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