Look, she may have been a little off. Okay, fine, she was certifiable. But she was laughing at all of my jokes. Therefore, I adored her. She allowed me to walk out off that stage and deem that set, a “good set.” In the event that anyone asks, I am technically allowed to say, “I had a good set. “ Wait, “I had a great set!”
More experienced comedians may not count the laughs of a mentally unbalanced and most likely homeless person as an indicator of the strength of their material, but apparently I do. At least last night I did.
That was a tough room. I don’t mean tough in the sense that the host commented on my boobs during my introduction, or that the comedian that I had to follow came to the stage pie-eyed and proceeded to spend the next five minutes laughing at his own act. His act consisted of him saying, "I luvvv the PUSSY!!!" over and over again, between fits of laughter and coughing. I guess, “I luvvv the Pussy,” is one of those crowd- pleasing jokes that doesn’t require a punchline.
It was pretty funny actually.
When I say it was a tough room, I mean I felt unsafe. There was something in the air that can only be described as a “rape vibe.” Please don’t misunderstand; I’m not describing a room where lots of adorable rape jokes (guilty as charged!) are told. I had the sense that an actual rape could occur. Yes, I realize this would arm me with an amazing amount of new material, but I have this weird fear of rape. Call it a quirk. It’s pretty high on my list of fears, right up there with flying and musty antique stores. So, yes, last night, I was taking what I could get,
Crazypants was a breath of fresh air. She was yucking it up through my entire set. It was beautiful. Granted, she was also laughing when people were approaching the mic and exiting the stage, but so what! Laughing is laughing. I’m not going to split hairs about this.